Vessels most affected by the ingestion of trans fats (margarinosoderzhaschih products). These substances are not created by nature, they accumulate in the blood vessels and very difficult to removed from the body, since they are perceived as something alien from another planet (like plastic). Even fried in butter crust also enters the body at a loss what to do with it and he has it somehow shove it everywhere, so they say that the roast is very bad!
His car, we dressed with the best benzinchikom that went well, do not sneeze, I do not blaze and last longer! A native himself and loved what fuel refueled! And why?!
If all of this time lived in ignorance and did not think about the consequences of eating all sorts of cookies and wafers, it makes sense clean up and stop using them, and if you hold a job to clean up and continue eating a variety of plastics, then nothing will enough. Make a drink out of the three most affordable products, cleaning vessels against harmful cholesterol.
1. Limon (1 pc)
2. Garlic (5 cloves)
3. Ginger (2x2 cm)
Cooking method
Cleared of lemon peel (and could not be cleaned, but they are often treated), and cut into large chunks put into a blender, ginger and garlic peeled, peeled (garlic very easy to clean, if put into water at 15 minutes). Cut the garlic and give him lie down for 10 minutes, so that it activated allicin. Dolili warm-hot water (not boiling!) And killed. Then poured into a quart jar and put in the refrigerator for a day. Currently healing potion ready! You can filter and use this delicious healthful drink on a table spoon 2 times a day for a week not on empty stomach. Successful recovery!
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