Rosehip-oatmeal drink to improve liver function


We make a delicious drink with oats and rose hips for many, even replacing coffee.


1. Soluble rosehip powder - 1 tbsp. a spoon

2. Oats - a handful

3. Honey - 1 tsp

4. Water - 1 glass


At night, the oats were poured with water at room temperature. In the morning, our "awakened" grains were rinsed, the water was drained, and the oats were poured into the blender container (or you can pre-brew oats in husks, use them for their intended purpose, and put oat grains into business).

They added warm water (half a glass to make it thicker), beat for about a minute, strain through a strainer and get thick oat milk (almost like cream).

We poured instant rose hips into the mug (we use purchased ones), poured hot water (closer to boiling water) and added our homemade oat cream (as we usually add to coffee). Then they put a spoonful of honey, stir and enjoy healthy drinks! Very tasty and healthy :)

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Rosehip-oatmeal drink to improve liver function
Rosehip-oatmeal drink to improve liver function

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