Cranberry juice is a storehouse of vitamins. The recipe for cranberry juice can be adopted by everyone who cares about the immunity of loved ones, keeps track of their figure and just keeps themselves in good shape.
Cranberries are the perfect berry for health. It is used to prepare not only sauces for red meat (and also for turkey or lamb) and fruit drinks, but also compotes, detox cocktails... We will cook fruit drinks.
The most delicious cranberry juice comes from fresh berries, which are often sold on the market in season. There are no difficulties in the technology of cooking fruit drinks.
But there are nuances: cranberries instantly lose the lion's share of nutrients in any contact with iron.
Therefore, you need to grind it only with a wooden mortar, squeeze it through a plastic colander or cheesecloth, and cook in a dish with an enamel, non-stick coating (or from any non-oxidizing alloy).
And now the recipes.
Cranberry juice - a classic recipe from fresh berries
200 gr. cranberries
50 gr. sugar or 3 tbsp. l.
700 ml water
How to cook:
1. Wash the berries, lightly dry, grind in a wooden or stone mortar, squeeze through cheesecloth or a colander.
2. Fill the cake with water, put the ladle on the stove and bring to a boil. As soon as the water began to boil a little, we switch the heat to a minimum and simmer on the weakest for another 10 minutes.
3. At this time, mix the juice with sugar to dissolve all the crystals.
4. Filter the morse where the cake was cooked and cool to room temperature.
5. Now pour off the juice with sugar in a thin stream, mix thoroughly. The drink is ready!
This fruit drink is the most "lively" - the processing is gentle and retains all the valuable properties of berries. Our grandmothers still believe that such fruit drink quickly "kills" influenza germs and in one or two days puts a person on his feet during a cold.
Cranberry juice in a multicooker "American style"
The ingredients are the same as in the recipe above.
How to cook:
1. Put the berries on the bottom of the multicooker bowl or in the pressure cooker. Add sugar and water.
2. We turn on the "cooking" mode or set the normal mode for 10 minutes. This is enough for the fruit drink to be completely ready.
3. At the end of the process, turn off the multicooker, filter the liquid, pour into a jug and cool. The drink tastes more like compote than the usual fruit drink.
Cranberry juice made from frozen berries is generally not inferior to that made from fresh fruits. Cranberries retain most of their valuable properties when frozen, especially shock freezing.
The season of colds is approaching, so it will not be superfluous to go to the market or to the supermarket for cranberries in order to freeze a little for future use and prepare a healing drink for your loved ones in winter - fruit drink.
Bon Appetit !
This article is from Pulse - >>> my channel at👉 PULSE - come in! 🤘
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