In Defense of Mayonnaise: Three Facts We Don't Think About Most Often


In Defense of Mayonnaise: Three Facts We Don't Think About Most Often

I don't like mayonnaise. Honestly, I don't. It is high in calories and, more often than not, has a taste that does not suit me very much.

Together with me, many people share a dislike for mayonnaise, and each has its own reasons. Among them, a group of those who love mayonnaise stands out, but... Does not eat because of its bad reputation (or because considers this sauce "rogue food", "scoop holdover", "empty calories" and "a storehouse of chemical elements." By the way, many people arrogantly laugh at lovers of mayonnaise - they say, fi, “normal people” don't eat that.

But, for the most part, these are all delusions.

"Rogue food" and "relic of the scoop"

Mayonnaise is a sauce with a long history. And those who believe that mayonnaise was originally made from some particularly high-quality and aristocratic products are greatly mistaken.

Long before Anastas Mikoyan "brought" mayonnaise to the USSR and launched its mass production, mayonnaise was prepared and sold in many countries. In the USA - for sure, because it was from there that the first equipment for the industrial production of sauce was delivered.

I will not tell the story of its creation, but let me remind you that mayonnaise is still included in the top five basic French sauces, along with such sauces as béchamel, veloute, hollandaise and demiglas.

Reception is no different from an industrial sauce - all the same yolks, oil, lemon juice or vinegar. Unless for haute cuisine, it is necessary to whip it all by hand.

Empty and unhealthy calories

From the moment the anti-cholesterol campaign went around the world, for some reason everyone is sure - if he ate fat, he got problems. But without animal fats, our body functions poorly, and they are dangerous only for those who suffer from chronic diseases.

So if you take into account the calorie content of the sauce, there is nothing wrong with health in it.

There is one chemistry in mayonnaise

If you look closely at the composition, there is not so much chemistry in mayonnaise. There is not a single bank at home, but I found the composition of one of the rather popular brands (I will not name it, so that they would not be accused of advertising)

Refined olive oil, sunflower oil, egg yolk, mustard oil, vinegar, water, sugar, salt, provitamin A, food fibers

Vinegar can be considered chemistry there, but we also use it outside of mayonnaise. No one thinks of giving up on kebabs if vinegar is used in the marinade, and still many are sure that this is the best marinade (although I do not like it, I prefer something softer).

In defense of the theory that there is "one chemistry" in mayonnaise, the argument is often made that mayonnaise exfoliates at high temperatures. But here it is worth remembering - mayonnaise is an emulsion, and emulsions are very unstable structures (even if they contain emulsifiers).

Considering all this, you can not like mayonnaise - everyone has their own taste. But it is still not worth hating him. The product is not as evil as people try to make it seem.

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