Recently I have been preparing "Hemocotlets" according to a new recipe. Recipe without bread, milk and eggs


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Recently I have been preparing " Hemocotlets" according to a new recipe. Recipe without bread, milk and eggs

"Hemocotlets" is an excellent option for lunch or dinner for those who need to always monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but the liver does not like it very much. And in my case, this is a great way to feed a child's liver. Cooking such cutlets is not difficult, you do not need to add bread and eggs, but it turns out very tasty and healthy.

So let's go ...

For minced meat, you can use any meat, I have a mixture of pork and chicken. I'm scrolling meat, liver and onions through a meat grinder. I use chicken liver. I add to the minced meat a little pre-boiled rice for one minute.

Recently I have been preparing " Hemocotlets" according to a new recipe. Recipe without bread, milk and eggs

I mix everything well, add salt, pepper, spices and form cutlets of the size I need. I put the cutlets on a greased baking sheet and send them to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. And I am preparing the filling.

To do this, fry the onion in vegetable oil until tender, add tomato paste and a little adjika. After a minute, pour the onion with water and bring to a boil. I dissolve a little cornstarch in cold water and add to the filling. I cook the filling for a few minutes until it thickens, stirring constantly.

After 30 minutes, I take the cutlets out of the oven, fill them with pouring and send them back to the oven for another 30 minutes.

The cutlets are very soft, juicy and the liver is not immediately recognizable in them. Recommend!


  • Minced meat 500 grams
  • Chicken liver 200 grams
  • Onion 2 pieces
  • Handful of rice
  • Tomato paste 1 tablespoon
  • Salt and spices to taste

How do you like the recipe? Will you cook?

See also:

#food and recipes#cutlets#recipes in the oven

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Be healthy!

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