"Culinary squads": lovers to force everyone to cook "right"


" Culinary squads": lovers to force everyone to cook " right"

I admire the self-esteem of people for whom only their opinion exists, and only this opinion must be recognized as correct by everyone. Here's a great example from the comments.

" Culinary squads": lovers to force everyone to cook " right"

You can't fried onions in peas! You can't and that's it! It should be finely cut, right on the plate. And raw. And if someone does not like it, then this is his problem. It has been said that you cannot fried onions in pea soup - that means, push raw from the plate into yourself as you like.

A colleague's mother refers to the same "public vigilantes to supervise the correct cooking."

If someone bakes pies, she will definitely inform you that you need to bake them from "Viennese dough". What kind of Viennese pastry, she does not know, but all the other sweet pies are wrong. If someone pickles mackerel, they need to pickle it the way her mother pickled it back in the sixties of the last century. True, how - she also does not know, but the rest of the mackerel - not so and not so.

If she stews cabbage herself (God forbid!), Then this cabbage will definitely be with bacon. Chopped into large cubes and lightly fried. Because frying bacon is harmful, and cabbage is cooked only with bacon! like borscht. The fact that no one is eating it does not bother her. Cabbage and borscht should be cooked with lard, they don't eat it - because they are “gagged”, if someone cooks these dishes without lard, she says with contempt - it's wrong!

And she is far from alone.

Sometimes I am scared to go into the comments on the recipe for banal borscht. Correctly noted the author of the comment, with which I began the publication - each hostess prepares borscht and each - right! Whoever disagrees with this is his problem.

But no. There will certainly be those who will begin to impose their opinion as the only correct one. A sort of public vigilante, overseeing that everything is prepared "only according to the canon." to his only one ...

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