This is not just a rant, but really the truth and now you see it for yourself, when look at the composition of this salad.
And these ingredients are part of it:
1. Cucumber (2 pcs)
2. Tomato (2 pcs)
3. Radish (3 pcs)
4. Daikon radish or another (small half)
5. lettuce (3 pcs)
6. spinach leaf (3 pcs)
7. Dill (puchochek)
8. Onions (green and turnip / bundle)
9. Cilantro (slightly)
10. Parsley (a few sprigs)
11. Mustard (half teaspoon)
12. Zira (1 teaspoon) on the fan
13. Pepper (red and black / on the tip of a teaspoon)
14. Ginger root (1h1sm)
15. horseradish root (1h1sm)
16. Vegetable oil (mustard or saffron, or olive / cups-third)
17. Lemon juice (from half a lemon)
18. Sorrel (1-2 leaf) is possible without
19. Garlic (clove and green feather)
20. Arugula (a pair of leaves) can not
If you use all of these bioactive products, obtained fusion salad, which nourishes our body with all the necessary vitamins, vegetable protein and protects from all bacteria and viruses (especially thanks to horseradish, ginger, garlic and lemon) they are immunomodulators number 1! (Horseradish very powerful stuff, because it increases immunity to 4000 times! Do not believe me? This data Soviet immunologists, look for information and to find!)
The point is that in our time it is important not just to eat more vitamins, and more importantly to make in your diet ekstraaktivnye natural substances that are simply not take out parasites, viruses, bacteria and tumors (garlic, horseradish, mustard, red hot pepper, caraway, cumin, radish, ginger ...) And then our body will armed. From such a useful power will be much more rewarding than just by eating alone vitamins, which are also not averse to eat our enemies! We will be more cunning than them!
A method of preparing a super salad
We took vegetables, herbs, roots and carefully rinse them under running water. Next, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers diced as usual salad greens crumble, cut onion rings and rub grated radish, radish, garlic, horseradish, ginger. Add spices to taste, sprinkle with lemon juice, dressed with butter and enjoy fresh active salad that works for us and to us, strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from any enemies!
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