Weight loss prohibitions lead to breakdowns


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Good day to everyone who is slimming and watching their nutrition!

Weight loss prohibitions lead to breakdowns - just make friends with the groceries. Without hunger and breakdowns, tasty and satisfyingly lost 63 kg

I came to nutritional control not so long ago, this spring it was 3 years since I started my path to harmony by counting calories, and now for a little more than three years now I have been monitoring nutrition, I monitor not only the calorie content of food, but also the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You saw the result of KBZhU control in the photo collage above.

Not a single diet gave me such a result, there were only breakdowns, hunger, the desire to give up everything. And also I got a bunch of food stereotypes, believed various myths and was afraid of food: after all, there are so many prohibitions and different diets are locked, and all this is summed up in my head.

Therefore, without exaggeration - controlling the calorie content of food and the balance of BJU - became for me the best way to lose weight and maintain the result.

Until now, in social networks, I see many comments in which various products are exposed as enemies of weight loss. And the topic of "proper nutrition" is generally better not to touch - each has its own and its own prohibitions, respectively, on food.

I will give examples that I screened for you in just 10 minutes by walking on one of the social networks under the tag "proper nutrition":

This is written by very real people who want to lose weight, want to eat right.

But for some reason, the responsibility for their nutrition, eating behavior, for their excess weight is assigned to the products, and not to themselves.

After all, how convenient it is to call, for example, a banana, which contains many useful substances, a harmful and non-PP product. And then break loose, eat a banana and blame the product again for everything, and not yourself. Here, instead of "banana", you can substitute any product, the story will be the same.

Choosing products that you blame for your failures, you disclaim responsibility from yourself, close your eyes to the fact that only you are to blame for what is happening to you.

There are no good or bad foods. There is our overeating and lack of understanding of the elementary processes in the body associated with food.

After all, there are still those who do not understand where food and calories have to do with it and how counting them will help you lose weight. But this is a school curriculum!

Make friends with products, make them your accomplices, and then your nutrition, and the process of losing weight, will become comfortable. Listen to yourself, identify those foods with which you are satisfying, tasty and those that do not suit you (you are not suitable not because someone said so, but because the product really does not suit you for health reasons, for example).

Take responsibility for your eating behavior on yourself, because only you can control your food, and food will be your assistants and will help you to arrive at a balanced diet, filled with useful substances and vitamins.

And by tradition, I will show my menu at the control of KBZHU, thanks to which I have been maintaining my comfortable weight for more than a year.

⛔To draw up an individual menu and for any questions related to weight loss, you should seek the advice of specialists⛔

I wanted a lazy khachapuri for breakfast, I haven't eaten it for a long time. Prepared khachapuri using 90 g of cottage cheese 9%, chicken egg, 25 g of whole grain rice flour, 50 g of cheese. Fried with 2 g of butter.

Here's a set of groceries, right? All that is not allowed! And cottage cheese, from which it "pours", and cheese, and an egg, and even with yolk - it's very high in calories! And flour, then flour! I am generally silent about frying in oil.
For some, these products are locked up, but I am friends with them and they bring me satiety and all their useful substances.

It turned out breakfast for 510 kcal

In a reminder of recipes today, a lazy khachapuri and a fish in a creamy vegetable sauce:

For a snack - fruits: persimmon (130 g), tangerine (70), kiwi (140 g) - 175 kcal.

I did not eat the fruit right away, stretched it out for an hour, at work.

For lunch today I finally made a tomato-lentil soup with minced meat. For a long time I was hatching the idea of ​​this thick, one might say winter, soup, and today the stars came together so that the idea was brought to life.

400 g of tomato-lentil soup and 40 g of homemade bread - 350 kcal.

For dinner (even at lunchtime, when there was free time), I marinated a chicken drumstick in a tomato-mustard-soy marinade. The oven did the rest for me. And it's not difficult to boil the side dish.

My dinner: 120 g of chicken drumstick (meat weight), 100 g of boiled buckwheat and 150 g of sweet pepper - 415 kcal.

And in the evening I ate 25 g of nuts to get fat and calories - 160 kcal.

The result of the day is 1610 kcal. B - 111, F - 68, U - 138.

Have you forgotten that we have a checkweighing report on Saturday? I remind you!

🍒Step by step instructions for those who want to lose weight. 🍒How to count calories: step by step instructions.🍒Catalogue of recipes.🍒Skin care.

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