Shelf life of some products


Exactly. In our age of modern technologies, freezing / refrigerating and cooling installations, all kinds of preservatives and stabilizers, there are still products that may never go bad even without all this listed.

Do some products have an eternal shelf life?

What do you think can be stored for a long time and used after years of such storage in food without any danger?

Honey immediately comes to mind, right? It is known that the vessels with honey found during the excavations of Ancient Egypt still contain the real honey, and not its organic traces. And that honey can be eaten even now, but sometimes it is more than 3-5 thousand years old.

Do some products have an eternal shelf life?

Modern natural honey without additives and preservatives has changed, although it seems to be a 100% natural product. But such honey spoils within 3.5 years. And only some varieties of modern honey will retain all their qualities for more than 5 years.

What happened to him? The wrong bees started making it? Most likely, the whole thing is in the packaging and in microbes with microorganisms that appeared along with the present.

However, honey is exactly the same product that can be stored for eternity and not lose much, not only in taste, but also in benefits. True, if you learn to sterilely prepare honey containers for this.

In addition, scientists (aha, that's the truth!) Are sure that salt has no expiration date, dark bitter chocolate, many pasta and legumes (not canned food!), vodka, soy sauce and dried mushrooms.

It's funny that vodka also made it to this list. However, it is really eternal only until the bottle is uncorked. And if it is open, then the shelf life of vodka is shortened to six months, like an open bottle of soy sauce.

Well, yes, they do not have an expiration date, but only when stored in sealed packaging.

This list also includes quality vegetable oil and even fat. The oil can be stored for a very long time, and if it is calcined, then generally forever.

But there is a nuance here. It is not only the tightness that is important for fats and oils. The storage space itself matters: it must be dry, ventilated, cool and... dark.

Since due to direct sunlight and exposure to heat, all oils will go rancid very quickly.

Light is generally a dangerous thing for any product.

For example, milk is already easily spoiled, and almost all vitamins are simply destroyed by the action of light in it and many other products. That's absolutely.

Summarize: in any home you should always keep salt, pasta, honey, vegetable oil, a pack of beans or peas, dried mushrooms, soy sauce, a bar of chocolate and... a bottle of vodka. And then no apocalypse will be terrible.

Health and good luck!


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