Five mistakes of losing weight that prevent you from achieving results. Comfortably, deliciously lost 63 kg: I share my experience, menu and recipes


Greetings to all those who are slimming and watch their diet!

Five mistakes of losing weight that prevent you from achieving results. Comfortably, deliciously lost 63 kg: I share my experience, menu and recipes

I'll start today with the fact that no longer requires proof - weight loss is triggered by a calorie deficit.

Every day, with food, energy should be supplied less than we expend energy.

The basis of weight loss is a calorie deficit, period. How you create a calorie deficit is up to you. You can choose another starvation diet and once again break loose and quit everything, you can spend all the time in the gym in order to spend more than you ate.

And you can approach the issue of losing weight reasonably - to control the calorie content of food, observe a small deficit and comfortably lose weight:

But even controlling the caloric content of the diet, some make mistakes, perhaps not obvious to them.

1️⃣Try to count the calorie content of foods "by eye":

  • do not weigh food on a consistent basis,
  • do not look at the KBZhU indicated on the packaging of products and take information from the Internet or tables.

Of course, at first, even control "on the Glock" will probably give its results, especially if there is a lot of excess weight. But then it will become more difficult not to overeat, because the line between deficit, norm and surplus will become thinner.

Kitchen scales, applications for the phone, websites are great helpers in losing weight.

2️⃣Do not follow BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet) and thereby complicate not only the process of losing weight, experiencing hunger due to unbalanced nutrition, but also do not provide all the necessary nutrients to the body in the amount it needs, undermining its health.

3️⃣ They are guided only by the numbers that show the scales and forget about the measurements. Libra can sometimes show those numbers that will put you into depression, as a result, your hands will simply drop, the thought in your head: "I can't do anything" and you will drop everything. But in fact, the scales showed you only fluid retention in the body, which can be for many reasons that you do not even know about. But your parameters are decreasing, they will say that the process of losing weight is going on and is going well, despite the numbers on the scales.

4️⃣ They set themselves restrictions in products, strictly monitor the regime and do not allow themselves to relax. The cake you dreamed about in a dream is a din of bells that you won't last long in this mode and a breakdown is inevitable.

Even while losing weight, you need to give yourself a day off from the regime and pamper yourself, so that the next day, with new strength and a good psychological state, you will again fight with extra pounds.

5️⃣ Exhaust yourself with sports, going too far. Not only is it simply dangerous for health and can lead to injuries, but also such a completely sparing regime can lead to the opposite result - the body will require replenishment of energy and you will start to eat more than necessary.

We remember that moderation in everything, the absence of absolute prohibitions in food, control of the calorie content of the diet in combination with balanced nutrition, and feasible physical activity will not only allow you to lose weight, but also lead to excellent well-being.

And by tradition, I will give an example of my menu at the control of KBZHU.

⛔To draw up an individual menu and for any questions related to weight loss, you should seek the advice of specialists⛔.

For breakfast, two eggs, which she fried in 3 g of vegetable oil and a sandwich on homemade whole grain bread (40 g) with turkey ham (40 g).

And also coffee with milk (75 g).

There was such a breakfast for 420 kcal.

Let me remind you today a video recipe for turkey cutlets and a video recipe for just perfect cheesecakes:

I still had a few small pieces of pink salmon that I had recently roasted and decided to make a quick pate. I mixed 70 g of pink salmon, 30 g of curd cheese in a blender and put the pate on 150 g of tomato.

I got a snack for 205 kcal

I had lunch with tomato-lentil soup (450 g) with a slice of homemade whole grain bread (40 g).

Went out lunch on 390 kcal.

Towards evening I had some free time and I finally got to the filo test, which I bought over the weekend. I wanted to cook achma in layers and sweet rolls with cottage cheese and apples.

But what a disappointment awaited me. She defrosted the dough according to all the rules, unfolded it, and then half of the dough just stuck together into a cake.

Somehow I separated the stripes into sweet tubes. And since I prepared the filling in advance for the achma, I had to chop the sticky dough into pieces and bake it like a lazy achma.

My dinner is 200 g of achma - 510 kcal

I don't want vegetables at all, as well as fruits. I have such periods. But I want some ham. I spent the remaining calories on 50 g of turkey ham - 90 kcal.

It turned out me a day at 1615 kcal. B - 94, F - 76, U - 138.

I almost forgot to remind you about the control weighing! Ready to share your results on Saturday?

Tell us what mistakes have you made in the process of losing weight? Or maybe after reading the article you found your mistakes?

🍒Step by step instructions for those who want to lose weight. 🍒How to count calories: step by step instructions.🍒Catalogue of recipes.🍒Skin care.

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