Greetings to all dieters!
For those who first came to my home page.
Let's get acquainted! My name is Anja and in May 2018 I went on about proper nutrition and caloric deficit.
In his blog, I talk about how is my weight loss process with 132.2 kg (with the growth of 173 cm), sharing recipes and experiences.
As I was able to get rid of the moment50kg.
This morning I thought of this as a wonderful breakfast of fried eggs in a pita with cheese and decided to cook it all. All the houses, a holiday - no. All have to feed breakfast and lunch is now).
So, for breakfast scrambled eggs with cheese in pita bread - 160 g turned me on 350 kcal with cherry tomatoes.
After breakfast we decided to unwind and not come up with anything better than to go on exploration in the supermarket, which is not far from us. It has long wanted to visit, but somehow it did not have time. Huge supermarket - Stroll through it, looking at everything and comparing prices of about 2.5 hours. And, of course making a purchase.
Returning home undershot banana oat cake (100 g) and a few tricks meringue (10 g). The result undershot on 185 kcal.
Meringue I like very much, but recently he had not eaten. Basically purchased sweets (except chocolate and marshmallow Belevsky without sugar) did not eat more than a year. At least I do not remember this.
And now I decided to buy a small bezeshki to mark the anniversary number "-50 kg", the more than 10 g only 25 calories.
I believe that small pleasure can afford to, especially after such a path already traveled.
For lunch we stayed chicken soup with potatoes and mushrooms.
Plate of chicken soup with mushrooms and potatoes and 20 grams of whole grain rye bread turned me on 270 kcal.
And still today, the first time in my life (can you imagine?) I tried the fresh figs. Here he lived up to all these years, been in a warmer climate, and figs have never tried. Bought for a sample of one little thing (reviews completely opposite - someone very much like who -That says "fu"). And I liked it! Sorry pleasure not cheap).
Record figs did not even, there is very little calories per 1 Thing - decided that I worked them walking around the store in the afternoon).
For dinner I vegetable salad (tomato and cucumber - 180 g), filled with 5 g of sunflower oil and roasted chicken breast without non-stick frying oil (160 g as a finished product).
Dinner turned on 330 kcal.
I forgot to take a picture of the report, but the afternoon tea I wanted something else to eat. Generally some zhor attacked the last few days.
And cut itself about 100 grams of chicken pastrami - get another snack on 100 kcal.
Total for the day came in 1335 kcal. He is drinking water, but the rate does not reach.
Let me remind you of the need to care for the skin, especially for those who lose weight with the big weight. Otherwise, you can stay with saggy skin, which will have to fight for a long time.
Have you tasted tender, juicy chicken pastrami? Highly recommend. retseptik - here.
Recipe for banana-oatmeal cake mono View here.
A recipe for homemade wholemeal bread - here.
Recipe fried eggs in pita bread - here.
Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I go its own way of weight loss for about proper nutrition.
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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!