Cake "Monastirska khata"


# svyatkovemenu # vipichka

Cake " Monastirska khata"

Ingredients: sour cream, margarine, boroshnaya, Cream, sour cream, zukru, vanilla zukor, Filling, cherry in vlasny juice

Cooking method:

Z'єdnati all Ingridinti for the test! Freeze it, wrap it in a bowl and in a refrigerator for 1 year.

Cherry vidtsiditi from ridini.

Just divided into 15 bags. The skin is rolled in a circle, formed into a container of a required diameter, a viklast in a row of cherries, twisted into a tube, like a nalisnik, the edges are slightly pinched, so the sik is not vitiated and not edged. Viklasta on deco, covered with parchment.

Vipikati at 190 * until it is red, in the process it is possible to turn over all the tubes, but they reddened the same way from both sides!

Cream: sour cream bazhano nayzhirnishu brothers (less than 30%), put on cheesecloth, yakscho rіdka. Add zukor to sour cream and add five quills, then add vanilla, add to dryness and gustini. If not in sour cream, then add zguschuvach in the process of making 1 p.

The bottom of the tart, on a cake, make it with cream, viclasts in a row of five tubes, do it with cream from both sides, then chotiri, then three, etc. Decorate for bazhannyam! Let it stand at room temperature! Delicious!

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