Chicken casserole. Easy and hearty dinner option


#fast A great option for a simple and quick, but at the same time tasty and hearty dinner: juicy chicken meat casserole.

Chicken casserole. Easy and hearty dinner option

Ingredients: chicken fillet (breast or other chicken parts), medium onion, semolina, salt, pepper, spices, apples (preferably sour varieties), semi-hard cheese, eggs, sour cream of any fat content or 100 ml cream

Cooking method:

Cooking stuffing for a casserole. To do this, chop the chicken and onion in a meat grinder or blender. I used a blender, so I first cut the meat and onion into small pieces.

We put salt, pepper, spices (I took salt, ground black pepper, ready-made mixture for chicken, a little sweet paprika and granulated garlic) and stir well. I usually knead the stuffing with my hands. For softness of minced meat and retention of juice, we mix in a tablespoon of semolina.

Lubricate the baking dish with butter and sprinkle with grated breadcrumbs. We spread the prepared minced meat, distribute it in an even layer and level it.

We rub the cheese on a large grater.

We clean the apples from the peel and seeds and also rub on a coarse grater. I want to say right away that apples, as a separate ingredient, are not felt in the finished casserole. They give juiciness and a light, sweetish note. The main thing is to put them in a reasonable amount.

Spread the apples in an even layer on the minced meat.

For pouring, break 2 eggs into a bowl, salt, pepper, you can put a little spices for chicken, sour cream or cream and break with a fork or whisk into a homogeneous mass.

Pour on top, distribute and sprinkle with grated cheese.

We bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. We put the form in the middle, heating up and down. The casserole takes about 40 minutes to cook. In my oven, the casserole was ready in 35 minutes.

Very juicy and tender casserole!

Bon Appetit! Delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious dishes!

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