Delicious stuffed bell pepper


Stuffed peppers are the most popular dish in Russian cuisine. This dish is easy to prepare. You can take any filling; meat, vegetable, mushroom. #stuffed peppers #delicious #vegetable dishes

Delicious stuffed bell pepper

Ingredients: small red bell pepper, garlic, medium onion, one carrot medium size, rice, salt, any greens, water, any minced meat, for making sauce:, tomato sauce, water

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion and chop the garlic cloves. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic until golden brown. Add grated carrots, rice, salt and 100 ml of water and cook on medium until the moisture has completely evaporated.

Put the minced meat in a deep bowl. Finely chop fresh herbs and add to minced meat. We also add rice with vegetables. Mix everything thoroughly so that the mass turns out to be a homogeneous consistency. The filling for peppers is ready.

Bulgarian pepper is cleaned of seeds, washed under running water and filled with minced meat with a tablespoon. Place the stuffed peppers in a pan or in a cauldron.

Put the tomato sauce in a deep bowl and add water. Mix everything well so that the sauce is completely dissolved in water. Pour the stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice with the finished mixture. Cover with a lid and cook for an hour over low heat. Bon Appetit!

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