Carpaccio. A great appetizer for raw meat lovers!


In this recipe, I'll show you how to make a classic gourmet Italian appetizer called carpaccio. It is prepared extremely simply, this is mainly due to the fact that none of its ingredients needs heat treatment. You just need to put all the ingredients on a dish and serve it to the table. Bon Appetit!

Carpaccio. A great appetizer for raw meat lovers!

Ingredients: Carpaccio, Olive Oil, Capers, Thai Chili Peppers, Freshly Ground Pepper, Salt

Cooking method:

Recipe view:

We take the carpaccio out of the vacuum package. Wet it with a paper towel to rid the surface of excess moisture. Put the pieces of meat on a plate.

Ideally, you need to cut the meat yourself, after freezing it a little, however, for me personally, carpaccio turns out much neater if you take ready-made meat cut with a slicer.

We cut the capers into 2 or 3 parts, depending on how large they are. Thai chili peppers cut into circles. Try to make them as thin as possible.

Add capers. Unlike chili, you can safely add 2 to 3 pieces for each piece of carpaccio. Decorate the dish with balsamic cream on top. Bon Appetit!

We return to the meat. It needs to be salted. Add freshly ground pepper. And also a little olive oil to make it easier for the spices to open up. The next step is to lay out the Thai chili pepper. Try not to have more than one circle of pepper on each piece of carpaccio.

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