Ingredients: Chicken, Pureed Garlic, Spicy Pepper Sauce (prepare in advance), Tomato Sauce (prepare in advance), SPICY SAUCE FROM PEPPERS:, small red bell pepper (can be replaced with tomato), tomato, hot capsicum, red onion, garlic, small lemon, cilantro, TOMATO SAUCE: chopped ready-made tomatoes in their own juice (passat type), shallots or 1/2 onion, garlic, sugar, salt, pepper
Cooking method:
Spicy pepper sauce (can be prepared in advance): all ingredients are not coarsely chopped, squeeze the juice of half lemon (you can add the pulp), salt and punch with a hand blender with short inclusions to the required "small things".
Tomato sauce (can be prepared in advance and reheated before adding to the chicken): finely chop the onion and fry in a mixture of olive and vegetable oil until transparency, add finely chopped garlic and after 1 minute pour in the passata sauce, stir, add sugar and salt to taste and simmer over low heat 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, add a tablespoon of olive oil and stir.
Cut the chicken into portions. Salt, coat with mashed garlic. Heat 50 g of butter over high heat and quickly fry the chicken pieces on all sides.
Add a spicy pepper sauce to the chicken, mix, reduce the heat to half and simmer the chicken in it for 10 minutes, turning it over from time to time.
Add hot tomato sauce, mix, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the chicken in it for 30-45 minutes under the lid, turning the pieces every 5-7 minutes.
10-15 minutes before the end, add 7-10 finely chopped garlic cloves to the sauce and continue cooking under the lid. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley before serving.
Bon Appetit!