Good day!
I want to share with you a recipe for cake donuts that have recently cooked yourself. I managed to eat only a couple, and the rest went to the plate unbeknownst to me).
KBZHU 100 g: K-190, B-145, F - 6, Y -17.7
We will need:
- 200 grams of cottage cheese (I have a normal 5%),
- 1 egg,
- 70 grams of flour (I have 40 grams whole grain rice and whole-wheat 30 grams)
- baking powder 1/3 tsp.
- coconut - half tablespoons (optional)
- sweetener (I have 2 bags FitParad, those who like sweeter - you need 3-4 bags)
I just turn into a blender and blend to download the product.
First whipped egg (not necessarily to a white foam), then added to the curd and whipped again. Then the flour, sugar, coconut, baking powder and whipped all.
The dough turns sticky.
Wet hands forming donuts and spread on a baking sheet. It is better to lay its silicone mat or bake in a big silicone form, they are easy to separate the finished donuts.
Sprinkle with a little coconut.
Harvesting in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
I have about 5 minutes, then at 250 gr brought until golden brown.
Bon Appetit! A delicious breakfast or snack in the morning ready!
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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!