Chocolate cupcakes with nutella


I ask you to win in the future, who plans to throw off a kilo of zayvih kilos to lita🤭 Ale, it’s even more delicious! But it’s not obov’yazkovo to cook so every day, right?) But it’s definitely necessary to try it!

Chocolate cupcakes with nutella

Ingredients: cocoa powder, water (boiling water), borosna, soda, rozpushuvacha, salt, topsoil, zucru, eggs, vanilla zucru, sour cream, For stuffing, nutelli, For cream, mascarpone syrup, tops (30%), zukrovoi powder

Cooking method:

Cocoa is poured with hot water, relativly it seems that it is visible;

We put oil at the bottom of the saucepan, add zucor and fill it on a small fire until the moment when the oil rises;

Hot oil is poured into a glass dish and beaten with a mixer for about 5 minutes;

One by one, we add eggs, beat the skin after;

We add vanilla zukor and sumish with cocoa, beat until smooth;

Please borosno, zmishuemo Ń–z sill, soda, fluff;

At the chocolate sum, add sour cream and borosno (at three doses), sour cream once in a while with a spatula;

In silicone molds, it should be thin for 3/4 of the volume of the mold;

Vipkaєmo 25 minutes, at a temperature of 180 °, cool on the solution;

At the skin tŃ–stechku robimo zaglibinu (I vicorous nozzle in the form of a confectionery bear), reminiscent of Ń—Ń— nutella;

Prepare the cream: until the mascarpone is added tops and zukrovu powder, beaten with a mixer until thickened with thick masi;

For the help of a confectionery bear, we put cream on our pastry, garnished with chocolate and berries.

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