Little Musov hearts in chocolate ❤️


#valentine #musoveserce

Little Musov hearts in chocolate ❤️

Ingredients: chocolate, syrah, sour cream, gelatin, water, hot water, zukra (for relish)

Cooking method:

In order to deepen the heart, we need a silicone mold for looking at the heart. I have 8 small hearts.

Melt 1 bar of chocolate (80g), whichever suits you, I have more

Likewise, form new ones and rinse them in advance in hungry water, without mischievous harm. Give it time to dry and brush three pieces with olive oil.

To melt the chocolate, I vicorated a water bath. For whom we put a small pot of water on the fire, it is brought to a boil. The temperature is changed twice and we put our chocolate in a bowl in a water bath, do not forget to stir.

Melting chocolate is poured into our "heart" shapes, and with a small spoon it is carefully poured over all the shapes of the heart.

Place the form in the refrigerator to freeze.

I have homemade cheese and if there were no grains, I put yogo in a blender and there I put sour cream and zukor. I already mix it in blenders to a homogeneous mass.

Pour zhilatin with 1 tablespoon of cold water. Give swell 5 min.

Then pour the zhilatin with 2 tablespoons of hot water from our water bath (it didn’t get cold). Peremіshuєmo, zhilatin can be completely different.

Our gilatin is poured into our sour cream masa. Mix it up.

We take our silicone mold out of the refrigerator and reminiscent of syrno-sour cream filling. Behind the bajans, you can put an addition: cherries without tassels, berries and jam.

Form until the end is not reminiscent, more will be chocolate. Let's catch the Syrian mass.

Melted chocolate in a water bath, maybe drinking 40 g of staleness has lost its mass in the form.

Melting chocolate is poured into the beast, in our "heart" forms. We put the form in the freezer for freezing.

I embellished them with kandurin "gold". You can pour chocolate over it and sip with a sippy sip (photo from the Internet)

The stench will be a great present. I used them to decorate the cake.

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