Delicate apple and pear muffins without sugar


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Delicate apple and pear muffins without sugar

Ingredients: medium apple, pear, flour, honey, eggs, soft butter, baking powder, lemon juice, salt

Cooking method:

Wash fruit well and cut into small pieces. Transfer to a bowl - it is desirable that its sides are higher. Next, you need lemon juice, a few drops of which are poured over fruit. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside.

And you can immediately turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up to 170-180 degrees.

Crack 3 eggs into a separate bowl. Then add honey, which is best to be in a liquid state (If the honey is too thick or viscous, then it can be warmed up). Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add salt. You can use the help of a mixer, as the yolks are too "strong". Ideal condition should be close to lush.

Now you need to add butter - for convenience, it should be heated so that it begins to melt and is easier to mix. And also, using a mixer, mix all the ingredients with each other until a viscous substance is formed.

The turn of flour has come - prepared baking powder is poured into it, and if it is not there, then you can use half a teaspoon of soda. It is better to sift the flour in parts.

Fruit is added to the resulting creamy consistency and mixed with the main part; For cupcakes, we need plastic or silicone molds, which are filled with cooked dough. They do not need to be pre-lubricated.

Bake in preheated oven for about 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the finished cupcakes will need to be pulled out onto the table and allowed to cool. Only then remove from the molds and serve. If desired, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar or decorate with other sweets.

Bon appetit ❤️ Be sure to share your successes.👍🏻

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