In today's article I will tell about three mistakes when cooking potatoes. Personally, I used to do two of them often. I think that many people reading this article, just like me before, did not even think about the fact that they are doing something wrong when boiling potatoes. And these little tricks really affect the quality of cooking potatoes, now my potatoes and mashed potatoes are tastier!
1. When peeling potatoes cut the skin as thinly as possible. The whole point is that The most beneficial substances in potatoes are located directly under the peel. The thicker the peel we cut off, the less our body will benefit from the eaten potatoes. Not without reason, jacket potatoes are the most healthy dish of this vegetable. I didn't know about it before.
2. I knew about this trick, but sometimes I forgot to apply it. After peeling the potatoes You need to let her soak in cold water.
This will save the vegetable from nitrates, excess starch and even reduce the calorie content of the dish. Puree, after the procedure, also turns out to be more tender and lush.3. But the third mistake I always made. First, you should never boil potatoes in the same water in which it was soaked, I think after the second paragraph it is clear. But putting vegetables on the stove in cold water is also not recommended. Correctly bring the water to a boil and throw the fruit. Thus, the potato will not lose nutrients. By the way, it's worth salting the potatoes only when it becomes soft, a few minutes before the end of cooking. Liked the article - rate it like!