I eat delicious and she lost 33 kg. Here's an example of my menu.


Good day!

Who for the first time on my channel, I want to tell you about myself.

My name is Anja and in May 2018 I changed my lifestyle, moved to a proper diet (well, almost right) with a deficit of calories and have parted with 33 kg of excess weight.
There is still a lot of work on myself, because the goal is to lose at least another 20 kilos!
Her channel I share my experience and tell about their menu every day.
And if at least one person to inspire my example and be able to lose weight - I'll be happy!

Today began with breakfast this:

Whole wheat bread, avocado, smoked salmon and ham.

A green tea I was here a curd cheesecake (120kkal at 100g !!!)

For breakfast, it turned 550 kcal.

Preparing a cheesecake for the first time and will even cook Experiment with fillings. In this time I have a banana. The next time you want to try it with berries.

Maybe to look at who is not very good, but I liked the taste. If you need a prescription, then you can see here.

By the way, in my experience, trying out different recipes, I have almost never been able to because the picture, beautiful and appetizing). Some, laying out their prescriptions, or when you do not put a real photo of a dish they end up with. Note, for example PP cheesecakes are roasted with a crust and rosy in the pictures, although the recipe - without a drop of oil. At least, I often met with such recipes.

Sharing with you some recipe I post photos of nominal dish that turned out at me in the end, even if not very beautiful, but it is not misleading.

On this day we wanted to indulge in rolls (the first time in half a year, probably) and we went with her husband in yakitori. I know that is not dietary meal, but sometimes you want.

Therefore, such a dinner:

Here is such a set with salmon.
Here is such a set with salmon.
And the traditional green tea.
And the traditional green tea.

As a result, my lunch came to 470 kcal. So handy when the menu listed the calories!)

Well, walk part naedennyh burned calories.

For dinner, I have a light chicken broth with vermishelkoy. Recipe already shared here.

And a small piece of cheesecake.

I finished the evening with green tea).

As a result, he went to dinner 270kkal.

And for the whole day - 1290 kcal.

From today, I decided to try to imagine the action of vitamins A and E, together with a face cream. Recently advised me to try and seeing the result of the application of vitamins in front of him, I decided.

Today is the first day.

Cream I use is not expensive. After applying, I saw that the effect is much better than after the usual cream. The skin is better hydrated and moisturizing effect lasts longer. About what the other results I will tell you later, if you would be interested.

Forced to supplement the article, because, apparently, not everyone knows that so I eat every day, and the remains of holiday purchases to the family table, and reflected on my menu. Once in half a year can afford and rolls with friends and husband. And eat meat is incompatible with fish for breakfast, although I suspect that not all people pay attention to it is not quite the right foods, feeds himself strictly according to the canons of the PP.
My menu on other days you can see the following links: here here here and here., and on my channel there are more articles in which I tell it feeds on other days.

Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I'm going their own way on the right weight loss diet.

Do not spare the likes, support me!

I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!

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