How often do we think - is to eat to lose weight) agree that there are little thoughts)?
Or drink ..
That's about what you can drink to lose weight I want to talk about today.
But it will not cures - like drink, and 5 drops of losing weight by 2 kg per day.
Our conversation today about tea.
Brew and talk?
Tea for us to become an integral part of life. A little bored, or come visit... a question immediately - "let popem tea?".
Did you know that tea is not only tasty and warming drink, but also help in losing weight?
But how exactly does it work?
At firstTea has almost no calories (of course, if we gave up sugar and drink tea with him!)
SecondlyMany teas have a positive effect on the body in terms of weight loss at the expense of existing substances in them (suppress hunger, accelerate metabolism and support the process of fat burning).
What kind of tea we are helpers in losing weight?
In the first place - my favorite - green tea!
The benefits of green tea has long been known and said a lot. It not only removes toxins from the body, improves digestion, normalizes metabolism and cleanse your body. Studies have shown that green tea contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Green tea fights with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, as well as effective in preventing glaucoma and other diseases eyes, lowers blood pressure, is an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant, has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular activity. Green tea is a good antioxidant.
A green tea helps in the fight against obesity is simply irreplaceable. Drinking green leaf tea and eating right first displays unwanted fluid from the body, and then the extra weight.
Furthermore, green tea has a positive effect on metabolism, as contained therein catechins, cause the body to use more energy, which leads to spending our fat deposits.
Ginger tea It can also help us in losing weight because it contains essential oils that speed up metabolism and promote lipolysis. Also ginger tea reduces appetite.
By the way, ginger tea is also very good for colds fight inflammation!
Mate tea - invigorates (due to the high content of caffeine), and at the same time stimulates digestion, has a positive effect on the calorie burning. Studies have shown that mate tea supports weight loss process. Like green tea, it contains substances that suppress appetite.
Hibiscus tea It has a unique feature - slows down the absorption of sugar, which helps to reduce weight. In addition, this tea is establishing our digestion, respectively, helps cleanse the body.
Tea with milk (A mixture of black or green tea with milk). It is important to use these two main components together.
Tea with milk nourishes the body and fills it with microelements. Moreover, such tea improves metabolism, normalizes the stomach, and the sensation of hunger is good diuretic, ridding the body of excess fluids. But this tea is not recommended to be used for a long time.
For myself, I chose - green tea.
Availability, price, utility taste - that's what made the green tea is my favorite.
But let's not forget that tea - it's not a miracle drink, but only our help in losing weight. Without proper nutrition and caloric deficit can not do well in the process of losing weight.
And if you observe the basics of proper nutrition, a calorie deficit and BZHU, The weight loss process will go even faster with an assistant like this, such as green tea.
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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!