Why you need to eat fat? Especially women.


Salo is an important product - even if you are dieting or nutrition
Salo is an important product - even if you are dieting or nutrition

Women try to avoid such a product as fatBecause there is a perception that the use of the fat can be better. You can recover from virtually any product if it has a ton.

This subcutaneous layer of pork gives a good energy supply because it contains a variety of nutrients, such as:

arachidonic acid;
linoleic acid;
a variety of vitamins (D, E, C)
fatty acid

I think that the composition has impressive? In addition, slightly fat contains protein.

If you regularly eat fat, then soon you will notice that:

  • you will be less susceptible to viruses
  • the body will take "harmful" cholesterol "
  • improve brain activity
  • increase efficiency
  • leave insomnia
  • lost joint pain
  • improve the condition of hair and nails

This product is easily absorbed by the body, so for the liver also can not worry. Salo also called seasonal product that is better to use in the fall and winter, because its use will help your body keep warm in the cold. Cold, is known to cause the organism - the need for fatty foods, to draw energy for warming of this food.

To avoid postponement of fat on your sidesThere is fat better in the first half of the day and the daily rate at the same time should be 40-50 grams (about 5-6 not thick slices) If you ate 100 grams, then nothing more fat do not eat that day, as this is the daily rate of fat for the body. In addition, no fat substances which zalozhivayutsya long in the esophagus, rot or roam. Salo digest completely!

This product does not require heat treatment, the fat in salted brine or just dry salt, pepper and garlic - a ready-made meal. Salo has a choleretic effect, so it is quickly absorbed into the wall of the esophagus, and then spreads throughout the body.

Lard - perfect antioxidant means. It frees the body, even the old and very difficult stagnation, as well as toxic compounds and radionuclides. What, by the way, slows down premature aging tissues.

The use of fat during pregnancy and after it:

On the second or third month of pregnancy, the female body begins to store fat very quickly. And with regular use of fat will decrease the likelihood of a set of extra kilos. Also benefit due to the accumulation of fatty acids that are needed for the full formation of the placenta and the child's nervous system. Salo allow a woman to recover faster after delivery and reduce the risk of depression.

The use of fat for men

Ukrainians are not in vain called fat - Ukrainian Viagra. Pig fat increases sexuality, increases male potency and function of children's play. It is useful to have fat and men who have a heavy physical load.

For information on how to prepare quick and delicious bacon, you can find me here >>>>>>>>>> quick recipe bacon

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