How do I make a cake of meringue. My favorite recipe


Recently meringue cake somehow undeservedly forgotten. Rarely see it on store shelves, and if they meet, then on the bottom shelf. Today, therefore, propose to recall the forgotten recipe and cook homemade meringue - because it tastes better and better stores!


lemon acid
*vanilla sugar


As is known, meringue cake is prepared on the basis of egg whites. We will need 6-7 proteins. To better whipped, I recommend pre-separate the whites from the yolks and put them away in the fridge for a few hours, it is possible for the night.

Then added to the chilled whites 2 tablespoons sugar and start beating with a mixer. Beat until then, until the mass will increase by approximately 3 times.

Now add a little citric acid (pinch) and pour sugar - 2 cups. Here there are a few rules: you need to pour the sugar and continue beating while proteins.

Pour sugar all at once and not in parts, 3-4 sets. Since proteins do not settle, and sugar will connect equally with them. you can add the vanilla sugar, if desired.

Lubricate the pan with butter, but not too much, otherwise the meringue "float". Carefully lay out the resulting mass on baking.

Bake cake in a slightly heated oven. Oven temperature 90-100 degrees.

And another important point: to remove baking cakes with meringue needs only after they have cooled down, otherwise you may fall apart. Here is a recipe I have. Bon appetit, my friends!

See also: How do I make muffins with raisins, snails puff pastry. The aroma from them for the whole staircase

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