Lemon cleanses the liver and excreted in the stones, you know?


Lemon juice fasting detoxifies harmful fats from the body and activates the self-cleaning function of the liver.

Lemons liver

Lemon - one of the most useful products on the planet, which was used for the purification of toxins liver.

Acid found in lemons, is a good solvent, which together with the remaining substances help cleanse the body of toxins.

What is composed of:

The curative properties for liver:

  • Increase the protective properties of hepatocytes and preventing their premature deterioration of liver cells.
  • Cleavage, elimination of "bad" cholesterol and free radicals.
  • Antiseptic effect in bacterial, viral infection of the body.
  • Hemodilution, the splitting of cholesterol plaques.
  • Initiation albumin education process - specific blood protein.
  • Dilution of the bile produced in the liver, with the improvement of its flight.
  • Activation making processes of hepatic enzymes.
  • Enhancing properties antitoxic liver cancer and purification, removal of toxins, including uric acid, which causes damage to the hepatic parenchyma.
  • Dissolution of stones in the bile, pancreatic ducts.
  • Fresh lemon juice perfectly activates the flow of bile.

Lemon + water = clean the liver

Water for preparing citric liver follows:

Lemon need scalded with boiling water and then milled in a blender or mince together with the skin.
Store slurry in the freezer.

Each morning, take 1 tbsp. l. citric slurry and stir in 1 cup of lukewarm water.

Eat lemon drink in the form of heat on an empty stomach before breakfast every day, but not on an empty stomach.

The effect of such cleaning:

  • removal of stones, sand, sediments of intra- and extrahepatic bile channels;
  • activation of metabolism in the liver;
  • cleaning of clogged blood flow and hepatocyte;
  • fat-amplification of the liver;
  • strengthen the vascular wall of the blood vessels of the liver.

Lemon juice + olive oil = stone removal

To clean the liver by this method need to squeeze the lemon juice from scalded and mixed with an equal amount of good olive oil.

Take courses in 1 tbsp. l. mixture every morning fasting courses. Average cleansing course - 1-2 months.

This is followed by a break of 2-4 weeks and repeat. The number of repetitions determined by a physician.

Before applying any national agents should consult a specialist.

Take care of yourself and do not get sick!

Health to you and your family!

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