Reveals the secret of crispy potato pancakes. My favorite recipe


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These potato pancakes are to be crispy, but soft and tender inside. Make them exactly as does not always work: they go usually just grilled, but no crisp. But I know a way that would make the perfect pancake.


vegetable oil

The secret of my tasty pancakes with a crispy crust is not in the ingredients. As you can see from the list above, there is nothing special here. The whole essence of it in the cooking process, so read the article carefully, so as not to miss anything important.

So, we need about 5-6 medium sized potatoes. Grated potatoes rub and shifts in a colander (it can be covered with a thin layer of gauze).

Wash potatoes in cold water several times. With this goes an extra potato starch during cooking formed that same crisp.

Then squeeze the potatoes, add 1 egg, 1.5-2 tablespoons of flour. Put salt and pepper to taste, stir and fry in a pan with vegetable oil. You can also add a small onion, but I love the pancakes without onions.

Serve hot with sour cream or garlic sauce. Bon appetit, my dear!

See also: Potatoes royally in the oven. My favorite recipe

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