Crunchy pickles for the winter in a rural. To taste like drum


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Friends, I want to share with you a proven recipe for good pickling cucumbers in a rural. Cucumbers are obtained as a drum to taste, crisp, solid, vigorous, even I would say.

In itself there is nothing special ingredients - cucumber pickle yes. But here is extremely important is the process of cooking. It is unusual, so carefully read the recipe to the end, so that nothing is missed.


horseradish leaves

ATTENTION: a recipe designed for 3-liter jar.

Thus, cucumber soaked for 4-6 hours in cold water to come out of them the air surplus. Cucumbers for pickling are best to take small and "pupyrchatye" - they are excellent in taste.

After this time, my cucumbers. The tips can be cut, and can leave - there is no difference in principle.

In dry sterilized jars put 3-4 cloves of garlic, fennel umbrella and put cucumbers. Put them on top of the sheet of horseradish.

Now the fun part. Fill cucumbers cold boiled water. Take a small piece of the brand, pour 3 tablespoons of salt and tying "bag."

Put bag of salt directly on top of sheet horseradish so that it touches the water (the salt may be dissolved). And leave as such for 3 days. Neither in the refrigerator, at room temperature. Banks recommend to put on any tray, because in the process of pickling liquid can be poured over the edge.

After 3 days remove the bags, the brine is drained into the pan, topped up with a little water and boil. horseradish leaf, which was on top of, or just throw away or washed well with water and put back.

Hot fill brine cucumbers and capped. At first, the brine is cloudy and not very appetizing - it's ok! So it should be! After a while, all the dregs settle to the bottom, and the brine becomes transparent.

I recommend trying cucumbers in about 2 months. Banks kept strictly in the refrigerator. Bon appetit, my dear!

See also: for winter tomatoes with onion and garlic "Yum"

If you liked the recipe - for sale, Like. You do not make it difficult, but very important to me, because I spend a lot of time and energy on the channel, I try for you. Thanks!

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