How to distinguish real honey from a fake? Practical advice from the beekeeper


Honey - a very useful product, and yet not cheap. Therefore, buying honey, I want to be sure that we are selling a real and not a fake. And how to recognize fake? In my family there is an apiary, and they told me (and I will give you), how to distinguish natural honey from a fake.

1. So buying this sweet delicacy, first of all pay attention to the smell. Honey should smell like honey, and no extraneous odors should not be. But to recognize the smell of natural honey can only one who really knows what his scent.

2. If you buy thickened honey, which is sold in autumn and winter, take a drop of honey and rub between your fingers. If you feel the roughness and grains, then you do not offer honey and bees processed sugar. This honey is not no grains.

3. Drip little honey (approximately 1 teaspoon) of water in a beaker and stir. If the honey is completely dissolved, it is a good means. And if the deposit formed - then it is a fake.

4. Put a spoonful of honey in iodine. If the honey turns blue, it means it is a fake and honey added starch. And if you do not turn blue - in front of you a real honey of excellent quality.

5. Now take a spoon honey and see how it flows back into the jar. If honey bear wave, then it suggests that honey is good, genuine. And if it just flows a trickle, then it was diluted with something and the purchase of the honey should be abandoned.

6. Put a piece of bread into honey. If razmoknet bread, the honey put a lot of sugar syrup. And if a real honey, the bread it just solidifies.

7. Look carefully at the honey. If it foams, then it is a fake.

8. Also look at the weight of honey. If honey is a true, one-liter container of honey will weigh more than 1.4 kg. A fake honey weight is less than 1.4 kg.

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