Insanely delicious Siberian dumplings. Language swallow!


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Today we will prepare a real Siberian dumplings. It is a million times tastier than those dumplings that are sold today in every store. Be sure to cook the dumplings, and you never will buy them.


First we will prepare the dough. To do this we need to mix 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 egg and 500 grams of flour, sifted through a sieve.

Of these ingredients knead dough mesim long enough, 10 minutes to the dough in the end it turned elastic. Then leave it for 15-20 minutes and prepare the stuffing.

For the filling can be taken, of course, any kind of meat. But most tasty meat dumplings produced from a mixture of beef and pork meat (proportion 1: 1). For the number of tests that we kneaded, need 1 kg of meat.

Makes him a mince, add one large onion, cut into small pieces. Alternatively, you can too onion mince.

If meat is too lean, you can add a little fat to filling a juicier.

Salt and pepper - to taste.

Now you can mold dumplings. Serve them with sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup or melted butter.

Bon Appetit!

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