A new way to bake a chicken in the oven in its entirety. Garlic mashed gives flavor, spicy notes, it turns out very tasty. Be sure to try it!
What do you need :
Chicken - Bird 1
Garlic - 2 heads
Vegetable oil
First you need to prepare garlic. Head cut in half, cut grease in place of vegetable oil, sprinkle with a little salt and wrap in foil. Garlic bake in the oven for 45 minutes. The temperature of 180 degrees.
Let cool for garlic and mash to a state of mashed potatoes with a fork. Add thyme to it or any other spices that you like. Also, put salt, pepper, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (ideally use olive oil).
Now rub the chicken with salt, pepper and the juice of half a lemon. Oil the chicken with garlic mashed potatoes, including the inside. Put into the second half of lemon.
Tying legs, chicken put in a baking dish, lightly greased and put into an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake chicken about 50 minutes to appetizing golden brown. Bon appetit, my dear friends!