Khachapuri the pan. The recipe in haste


Today, I cook for my family khachapuri, and decided to share the recipe with you. The recipe is very simple, so I think it is useful to many, so write down or remember.

Ingredients for khachapuri in a frying pan

1. Cheese - 200gr
2. Sour cream - 200g
3. Flour - 3 tablespoons with slide
4. Eggs - 2 pcs
5. Dill
6. Vegetable oil

Of course, my khachapuri not a true Georgian dishes. Nevertheless, my recipe also has a right to exist, as I have a simple home cooking, and I do not cook, and the usual hostess.

So, cheese grate. I prefer to take the cheese "Russian". I'm in this recipe it very much. But you can take a different course.

To add the cheese eggs, sour cream and chopped dill. Greens - not a mandatory ingredient, if you do not like it, then we can do without it. I do not add salt. Cheese and so contains enough salt.

Now pour the flour and mix thoroughly. If the dough out very liquid, add a little bit more flour. The density of the test depends on the size of eggs, as well as the consistency of sour cream.

Hachapuri fry both sides until golden in vegetable oil. Bon appetit to you, dear friends!

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