A simple recipe for a delicious salad in a hurry. In total some 10 minutes - and the salad is ready. Perfect as an everyday salad for dinner, the whole family is fed and satisfied. Here is my recipe, write soon!
Ingredients for the salad:
Ham - 200g
Hard-boiled eggs - 3 pcs
Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs
Canned green peas 4-5 tablespoons
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Ham cut into strips, tomatoes cut into cubes. Add the green peas. Put salt and pepper to taste, add chopped greens and mayonnaise.
On the platter lay eggs, cut into circles, and they heaped salad from the above ingredients. But you can not bother to feed lettuce eggs may well be cut into cubes and mix with the other components of the salad.
As you can see, everything is very simple. Bon appetit to you, dear friends!