Today cooked carrots in Korean and I remembered that I did not share with you a recipe for her universal refueling. Preparing for 5-7 minutes. When the end - I cook it again. Therefore, in the fridge I have it always. I use it not only as a salad dressing - and sauces with her cooking, and snacks add to casseroles, soups, in marinades. Decent saves time and delicious !!!
Initially crushed garlic. You can use a grater or a garlic press - as appropriate. I take a whole head of garlic. It is about 7-8 cloves. Add 1 tablespoon salts with a slide and mixed with the garlic.
Now coriander. I use a whole (about 1 teaspoon). I am crushed in the mortar. I add chopped coriander for garlic.
Here is 2 tbsp paprika, 1 tsp black pepper, 2 tsp red hot pepper and 1 tbsp Sahara.
All was stirred well and add hot vegetable oil (about 4 tablespoons). Once again I stirred and shifts into a suitable glass container. I have a jar of 130 ml. Just in time for this portion.
I closed and stored in a refrigerator. Store can be 4-5 months, but we have so long is rare. Most often I use it for salad in Korean.
Taking approximately 1 teaspoon This filling, add 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, salt to taste (just keep in mind that salt is also in the filling) and pour about 2 tablespoons water. All I mix well and add to the chopped vegetables.
Today I have a carrot. Add refueling, I stirred 2-3 hours and salad ready. You can, of course, and try once, but tastier when configure themselves.
And we love to smear a filling for bread, a few slices of bacon on top and...
Excellent appetizer. I also like to marinate the meat in the filling - especially the chicken turns out delicious. Try to cook! I'll wait for your feedback about this recipe.
• Garlic - 7-8 tooth.
• Coriander pepper - 1 tsp
• Black pepper - 1 tsp
• Peppers red hot - 2 tsp
• Paprika - 2 tbsp
• Sugar - 1 tbsp
• salt - 1 tbsp
• Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp
*** On the 800-900 grams of vegetables - 1 tsp a refueling!