Hello! Today, I am preparing a stew of chicken... And, in my opinion, is the most easy cooking stew, so I wrote a "lazy". You have to tinker with just butchering a chicken, though this procedure is nothing complicated and long, no! On average, one chicken, 2 kg, 3 half liter cans obtained stew.
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To prepare the stew will need:
Whole chicken - at me this time, chicken, weighing 1.5 kg
And, on the bank of 0.5:
1 bay leaf
3-4 pea allspice
Teaspoon of salt
Where to begin... Take a whole chicken, home or shop - no difference. But, of course, of the domestic chicken stew will taste better... I wash it!
Then cut into pieces, not too small. I try to use only the fillet stew, bones are still only in the upper segments of the wings 2 (the most extreme segment of the I do not use the wing). All "gnawed" bone shoot for cooking broth.
Now take a clean banks can sterilize them. I do not sterilize, just carefully pour over boiling water. In each jar put one laurel, allspice several peas and pour about 1 / 3-1 / 4 part teaspoon salt.
Now in each jar, pour just a little bit of boiled water, just 3 tbsp. l. Of course, instead of water, you can pour the broth, but this is a negligible amount of fluid that will not affect the taste of corned beef. Especially because the stew will languish a few hours, all the liquid has evaporated.
Next lay the chicken cut into banks. Reaching the half, pour anywhere else 1/3 of a teaspoon of salt.
After the bank will be completely filled with the meat, pour the remnants of salt. And, as I said, One jar use 1 h. l. salt.
Filled cans camouflage caps (or foil), without screwing, just camouflage! And, be sure to put them on a baking sheet or in any shape for baking, because of the cans will leak juice.
And from me advice! At the bottom of the pan or mold pour little salt. What for? As I said, from the cans will drain the juice, and it will begin to be burnt. This means the whole apartment is in the smoke, and then another, and utensils FIG otmoesh! If you pour the salt, this will not happen, she absorbs. If you've ever done on chicken salt, then you know what I mean.
You can now insert jars into the oven! In cold !!! The temperature was initially set at 180 degrees and once the contents boils \ zaburlit, diminish the temperature to 130 degrees and continue to simmer somewhere within 3 hours.
Here, then what I'm talking about! The photo shows that the salt has absorbed all the juice flowing from the cans. The apartment did not have a burning smell and dishes washed perfectly, one jaw movement.
Banks tight screw cap, wait until complete cooling at room temperature, and then storing them in a refrigerator or cool cellar \ cellar. Hopefully someone will come in handy recipe for my stew.
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