Vitamin winter green drink, purifying the body from the accumulated mucus


Everywhere in pet stores and vegetable departments sold germinated oats for apartment pets (cats, dogs, parrots, etc.) to support their vitaminchiki health. And we are worse! We make vitamin drink from a two-week oat seedlings for yourself.

Especially because it is easy, and in the winter sorely lacking greenery, raging colds, flu, cough, runny nose (Through the nose and lungs derived mucus accumulated over months of use slime boiled and fried foods. (Those who have read the book A.Ereta "Besslizistaya diet" understands what is at stake).

Fortunately green drinks just help restore order in the body and accelerate the conclusion of dirt, sorry, out of all the holes! Cheers to the holidays and always, gentlemen!


1. Plantlets oats (puchochek)

2. Water (1 cup)


How to germinate oats.

Take 2 small plastic container. In one of them to make small holes to oats is not falling down, fall asleep in his oats. At the bottom of the second container lid put on conventional bottle and pour water of about 1 cm. Put the container of oats in a container with water. It is important every day to wash the oats under running water and change the water in the second container (the more the better, once a day should be accurate, otherwise it ferment due allocated oats enzymes). It is convenient to do it in the morning and before bedtime. Sprouting oats is not fast, not like wheat, but when you have adapted themselves will always be fresh greens in the winter.

How to make oatmeal drink.

Here oats zakolosilsya! (Planted). Winter greens pleases the eye!

Scissors cut herbs sprouted oats (15-17 day). Put in a container blender, pre-chopped (not tangled in the propeller unit) dolili water at room temperature. Next kink, strain through a strainer and green drink is ready! And pamper yourself and your pet will treat greens and watered "green milk" with pretzels! ;)

Share your recipes for green smoothies and subscribe to the channel!

Winter green drink
Winter green drink

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