In most cases, increased cholesterol from malnutrition (predominance of excess in animal and trans fat diet). Correct to abandon the use of harmful products, and body gradually cleans itself. But there are products that help to speed up the process of purification. For example, lemon is a source of ascorbic acid, which is involved in the oxidation of bad cholesterol and stimulates its decay. We make a drink based on lemon and try to add it to your napostoyanku menu.
1. Lemon tonkokory (1 pc)
2. Turmeric (pinch)
3. Water (2 cups)
Take lemon, cut it into 4 parts, put in a blender cup (you can with peel and seeds), add turmeric and warm water. We twist, filter and obtain useful lemonade. Drink it throughout the day 1-2 times a quarter cup in small sips. For example, a healer G. Malakhov advised to lean on lemons is much harder (to eat 5 pieces per day or more!), But since we are a body exploited is not a child, then we introduce this powerful product in a little bit and your menu gradually.
(Citric acid can be not all, so someone may have to choose for themselves and other natural products to assist in the purification of blood vessels).
! When heat treated (e.g., by adding a lemon tea) most of ascorbic acid decomposes. We must take this into account.
Share your recipes for cleaning vessels from cholesterol.