Tasty drink which eliminates excess mucus from the body


If you use a lot of slime products, from time to time starts to move away excess mucus (often manifested in the form of symptoms cough and runny nose) and usually a person suppresses these symptoms, burying any "magic" drops in different places, not allowing the lymph cleansed. It's as if you were sitting in the room, lit a fire alarm lamp, and you would be picked off or it does not interfere with further sitting idle, and the process continued. Arnold Ehret in his book "Besslizistaya diet" described in detail the process of mucus production in our the body (you can go deeper and explore this topic thoroughly), and while we do slizerasscheplyayuschy drink.


1. Limon (1 pc)

2. horseradish root (piece of 1x1 cm)

3. Honey (2 tablespoons)

4. Water (3 cups)

Cooking method

Take the lemon and horseradish, washed and cleaned. Lemon, cut into 4 slices, put into a blender, followed by a piece of horse-radish, hereinafter for semi pour water, add honey. Twist 20 seconds, filtered while warm and drink by polstakanchika (a part can be left for a little and then diluted with hot water). Slizerasstvoritel accepted this, then whenever you want (effective from morning to polutoschak and evening before a meal). You can take throughout life, day after day for months, give pereryvchik week and continue. Polutoschak - this meaning is not quite packed to the brim with stomach! For example, after 20 minutes after drinking the juice, water. The drink is tasty and strong (who can not horseradish and lemon, then see for yourself do not drink at all or drink after a meal). Enjoy your recovery!

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