This drink has delivered many high blood pressure problems, and suddenly help you. It made it easy and pleasant to the taste.
1. Chokeberry (a quarter cup)
2. Honey (1 tsp)
3. Water (1 cup)
4. Seabuckthorn (1 teaspoon berries)
Cooking method
Took chernoplodki berries, washed, put in a blender cup was added buckthorn (rowan berries are krovesguschayuschee property and therefore they need to be combined with blood thinning of sea buckthorn berries), and warm water a spoonful of honey. Torsion, strain through a strainer, this striking dark purple drink and drink as necessary, or better for prevention. God willing, the pressure is normalized (but, of course, if you have and take responsibility into their own hands and stop overeating, especially at night greasy and fried, then the pressure comes back to normal much faster!) Black chokeberry is useful by itself, but in the liquid form, it quickly enters the bloodstream faster and has its natural help. Health, longevity, prosperity!
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