This homemade coconut and banana ice cream simply delicious. Done it without sugar, emulsifier, and milk and contains no preservatives!
1. Coconut meat (half a small coconut)
2. Banana (2 pcs)
3. Carob (1 tsp)
4. Honey (1 tsp)
Cooking method
Took coconut, split it into two halves, the main part of coconut milk was poured into a blender bowl, and a teaspoon of milk mixed with Carob (or mixed with honey). From one blade halves removed coconut pulp, cut it into small cubes or rubbed on a coarse grater, filled in coconut milk was added followed banana pulp (pre-soak in a freezer 2 hours). Grind to a blender all in the total weight, was put in the freezer in a plastic cup or in special molds for ice cream. After 3 chasa got, interrupted once more in a blender, put a large round spoon in a plate, to get a ball, Kerob poured and sprinkled coconut. Heavenly delight!
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