Amazing facts about sugar


What do you know about sugar? It is useful, harmful or not? Let us examine in greater detail later.

Did you know that:

Sugar is addictive

When injected into our body sugar are released special hormone - dopamine, which is also called hormone of pleasure.

He comes from the brain, from the very center of this fun and people can form a real addiction, like alcohol or cigarettes.

By the way, the dependence on sugar as a child is one of the major causes of childhood obesity.


Sweet food more attractive to a man, even more than cocaine.
And sugar dependence often do not realize we can not be aware of it, and the dependence encourages buying more foods and beverages with high sugar content.

Sugar feeds cancer cells

The risk of cancer is much higher in people who frequently eat sweet foods in comparison with other products.

Much sugar leads to inflammation in the body, and they lead to cancer.
Cancer cells use more sugar to their food and breeding.

Sugar toxic to the liver, as well as alcohol

Excessive entrainment sugar causes damage to the liver. Sweet food is the main cause of obesity, but there are people who have a good metabolism and fat they are not delayed.

It turns out this phenomenon is very bad for the liver. If the sugar is turned into fat, it means that it is harmful to the liver. And much worse than alcohol.

Sugar adversely affects the brain

Scientific studies show that very sweet foods harm our memory.
And also worsens brain blood flow, which leads to premature aging.

Another incredible fact: the craving for sugar is transmitted genetically.

So be very careful with sugar!

Take care of yourself!

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