Easy recipe for a delicious ice cream (cream, milk, egg yolks and give it a unique unforgettable taste)


Sundae turns out very tasty, because the cream, milk and egg yolks give it a unique unforgettable taste.


This taste-child who remember the Soviet ice cream lovers-natural without vegetable fats, additives and chemicals.

This recipe is so easy to prepare, that it can cook each.

Therefore, the ice cream "Ice cream with a taste of childhood" is admirable!

To prepare the ice cream, we need:

700 gr. cream (fattest)
1 egg yolk (much as possible)
120 gr. Sahara
120 gr. milk
vanilla sugar (optional)


Egg yolks, milk and sugar combine, mix, whisk until smooth blender and put on the heating.

Boil the mixture must constantly stirring until thick (approximately 5 minutes). After thickening (up to the state of condensed milk) remove from heat and cool.

The mixture should be stirred periodically, In order to avoid the formation on the surface of the film (due to it can occur in frozen lumps).

Next, take the chilled cream and whisk blender.

We introduce in our chilled whipped cream mixture and now whisk until thick.

Ice cream is ready!

It remains to pour a glass of ice cream and place in the freezer for a day.

A day Sundae fully mature and acquire the unique "taste of childhood".

Bon Appetit!

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