Almost every person who permanently or periodically prepares a meal, once something prigoralo. Undoubtedly this is a very hurtful situation, as all your efforts that you put into the process of creating dishes, go down the drain. The situation can be aggravated by the fact that the dish has to cook again no time or desire, then what to do in this situation? As a case in point occurred to me a few days ago, I was preparing a new dish - "scotch egg" (article about it will soon) and it turned out that my novelty bit burnt (Shown in photo).
Prepare a dish again I simply did not have time, as the guests came to me and it was time to sit down at the table for dinner. I could do nothing but to find some way to quickly resolve this issue. I was lucky that I was able to quickly find the desired information. It turns out it's not so scary, prigarki with meatballs, meat, and any other crust can be removed by conventional graters. Just take a cutlet and rub it on a grater burnt side. The effect is visible in the photo, no comment, scroll to the right.
But in my case, burnt burgers are not very strong and their taste is not as not affected. But what if the dish is burnt stronger and itself food soaked fumes. For example, if heavily burnt porridge, that is, it becomes almost impossible. It turned out that in this case there is a solution.
To remove any of the dishes taste burning need to:
1. Put food in a clean container
2. Cover the bowl with a towel linen, and pour in the towel 5-6 tablespoons of salt, then cover with a towel cover.Most importantly, a towel must be secured so that it not collapsed inward, as well as to edge towels are not burned out, for example if you have a gas stove. You can use the eraser as shown in the photo.
3. Ready meals 5 minutes, if it is dried up, such as porridge, then add a little water. Then, carefully remove the towel and throwing salt. The salt will absorb all the fumes, and the dish will be like new!
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