Recently, faced with such a problem as insufficient length jeans. I had to try a lot of ways to solve this problem is to find an effective. I share with you two, who personally I checked in practice. I am showing the example of her husband's jeans.
method №1
For him, we need only warm water. What should be done: jeans inside out and remove the warm water soak internal seams below the knee. Then stand with one foot on the jeans near the knee, and hand pull the end of the leg.
method №2
If the first method does not give the desired results, you must apply on the inner seam of jeans stretching for footwear and do the same extraction procedure.
Important (concerns both ways): stretching accompany periodic measurements meter length jeans, otherwise it can draw on too long. Also, do not moisten with water and extensions for footwear place where some seam is a decorative hole.
I was able to easily stretch their jeans With these methods at 2 centimeters, but it could be more, if it was required. If you liked the article - put Like!