A few days ago I decided to diversify the meat dishes for lunch and stumbled upon the recipe for "chicken fritters." After trying, I was pleasantly surprised it turned out very tasty, just not so casually, such as burgers. All members of the family also appreciated this dish and repeat this for several days in a row. As always I bring step by step instructions.
1. Cut into small pieces chicken (0.5 kilograms).
2. Divide the fillets eggs (3 pieces), adding starch (3 tablespoons), mayonnaise (3 tablespoons), salt and pepper to taste and stir.
3. We put our procurement in refrigerator for one hour.
4. We form the fritters and fry them on vegetable oil (3 minutes on one side and three minutes on the other).
All! Get tender meat pancakes, delicious! If you liked the article - put Like you is not difficult, and I was the motivation for a new article!