What apples are treated?


They perfectly heals the liver, sore throats, cleanse the kidneys and joints, helps with hypertension and pancreatitis.

Can I be treated apples?

And not just treated, and even to protect themselves from disease and old age.

An apple a day - and the doctor does not need it.

In the old recipes of traditional medicine used apples to this day for the treatment of many diseases.

treatment of apples

A particularly useful when apples:

hypertensive disease

Apples are divided into:


Sweet apples is good help patients with anemia, cardiovascular diseases, gout, thyroid diseases.
In these fruits contain large amounts of iodine and iron.

Sour apples are suitable for patients with diabetes, hypertension, obesity, biliary dyskinesia.

Apples and hypertension

To reduce high blood pressure in hypertension apples may be used.
The healing power of apple works like this:

vessel walls are strengthened;
expanding the narrow lumen of blood vessels;
normal functionality of the heart muscle.

green apples are especially recommended for hypertensive patients.

Low calorie and a large number of nutrients allows you to consume apples for effective and sustained reduction in blood pressure levels.

Enough to use 1-2 green apples every day, and 10 days later the pressure will start to bounce back.

It retains the same properties and apple juice, but fresh.

Take care of yourself and stay healthy!

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