This recipe turns out delicious dried ham from pork loin with garlic and spices.
1 kg of pork loin on bone
1/3 Art. salt
1/3 Art. Sahara
5 cloves of garlic
2 tsp ground black pepper
2 tsp ground red pepper (cayenne better)
1 h. l. ground paprika
1. Pork loin rinse well and dry with paper towels.
2. Meat cut from all unnecessary (film protruding pieces and m. P.) To the piece integral turned.
3. Prepared loin grate sugar from all sides and put into the fridge for 24 h (periodically overturn).
4. Then, a piece removed and rinsed.
Again dry with a towel and now rub with salt.
The container is closed with a piece of foil or lid and then put into the refrigerator for 24 h (periodically overturn).
4. After 24 hours, the piece again, rinse and dry.
5. In a bowl, mix paprika, cayenne and black pepper.
Garlic is passed through the press and rub them thoroughly marinated loin piece.
Garlic will give not only aroma, but also inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria (antifungal action).
6. Mixture of peppers and paprika generously grate pork.
7. Carefully place the meat in a nylon stocking and hang somewhere in the kitchen.
Important! The room should be warm and therefore you should periodically to ventilate the room.
8. Ham will vyalitsya within 7 days and will lose weight.
In the kitchen during the week will be such scents that want to enjoy homemade ham faster.
After 7 days, fragrant dried ham removed from the stocking.
All! The ham is ready!
Cut into thin slices and enjoy.
Bon Appetit!
How to store: Wrap the ham in a clean gauze and put into the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
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