Hide your elbows, knees and armpits after 50 years, not to betray the age: whether it should be done


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Write this article, I decided after reading the comments under my articles here on Zen. What exactly has pushed me to it? Interesting statements regarding the appearance of women 50. In a nutshell, I was interested in the comments that the age of the women gives not only the face but also the armpits, elbows, knees. I never thought about it, did not pay attention to these parts of women's bodies, and it turns out that...

Note: I ask carefully read the article, and if you agree with my opinion, that support the publication.

In general, after these comments, I decided to search the Internet for information on this subject, and what surprised me was that there was "serious" articles, which criticized celebrities with words like:

with such "old man's" knees only wear pants;
elbows - as the "fifth point" a chicken;
sagging underarm - cloth.

Of course, these words were backed up by photographs, and in my opinion, these the photos were quite normal. Some barely noticeable crease on the knee and all - "star" appeared on the page with the criticism. Why this article? I do not understand. To instill an inferiority complex to women?

On a photo of Demi Moore. Do you think that her legs look bad? Me not!
On a photo of Demi Moore. Do you think that her legs look bad? Me not!

I certainly understand that with age, the body is changing, but because the majority of women aged 50+ look good, and their elbows, underarms and knees do not need a cover-up outfits. For example, I would not have paid attention to these parts of the body, if not for my articles began to appear like comments.

What's wrong in 50+ 50+ to look at, but if you want - the manicured 50+? Of course there is nothing bad, so cover the data body parts everywhere and always (to people, God forbid do not suspect that you will not 30-40, and more) too. What do you think?


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