With age, facial features change, the skin is not so elastic, therefore, to look more attractive and younger have to carefully take care of the skin to modify its makeup.
Today I want to tell you about what the arrows, choose a more mature age. What you should pay attention.
Is it possible to paint after 50 arrows
This question is sometimes skips me in the comments below the article. So I decided to answer it: Of course, after 50 years, you can draw arrows, the only thing to consider when creating makeup with arrows - eye structure and condition of the skin age.
What are the arrows to select in adulthood
I heard and read some recommendations to make-up artists, who assured that an adult should go to the shooter to clear shade.
I disagree with this. Selecting the shooter does not depend on age, it depends exclusively on the skin age, eye changes planting depth. If the skin on the lash line is not strong wrinkles (nedryablaya), with no overhang of the upper eyelids, then clear a narrow arrow will look great.
It visually increase the density of the eyelashes, make-up as a whole will look neat.Feathered arrow is shown only to those who have a small overhang century(Especially one morning when a strong overhang, and during the day it decreases due to the departure of edema. It is simply impossible to draw a clear morning of the arrow so that the day and in the evening it looked as nice and neat as in the morning) or the skin of the lash line all folds (This happens in very slender women, and women with very dry skin).
At full overhang age does not make sense to draw an arrow, as they not visible under the folds of the century. In this case, the best way - active staining mezhresnichnogo rack space with a pencil. At full overhanging eyelids to create a make-up, more attention should be paid to the eyelashes.