Eyebrows magnesium Cosmetic: choose higher quality products from 3 to 250 rubles


Today I want to tell you about the products of magnet Cosmetic Vivienne Sabo. For the article took 2 pencils (one automatic (250 rubles), the second - a simple (for 230 rubles)), as well as shade for eyebrows (over 210 rubles).

food prices are about the same, so if you do not know what kind of tools to buy, I will try to tell you about each of you to make the right choice.

Photo for Yandex Zen from SmiKorina
Photo for Yandex Zen from SmiKorina

The review:

1 - Coup De Genie;

2 - shade for eyebrows "Brow Arcade ";

3 - Brow Arcade Automatic Eyebrow Pencil.

Just I want to show how these products look on the skin. Struck on the hand from left to right in the same order as the names above:

Photo for Yandex Zen from SmiKorina
Photo for Yandex Zen from SmiKorina

1 - Coup De Genie - pencil wax-based, it There is a small Shimmer. The product is solidTo draw the eyebrows, it is necessary to press too hard on him. Uncomfortable working with him as he applied spots, slides. To apply evenly, will have to work the brush, which is the cap on the pen.

Suit owners of dry skin as well as fat, he does not stay long. I note that in the line of different shades, not leaving in redness or reddishnesses.

2 - ShadowBrow Arcade - the substrate pylyat shade, and this is their main drawback. pigmentation weakBut for beginners it is even a plus, since overdo them complicated. Product well shadedIn each pack of 2 shades, which is very convenient as it once two shades is much easier to draw eyebrows as much as possible natural.

3 - Brow Arcade Automatic Eyebrow Pencil - pencil medium hardness, matte, fine (Convenient to draw eyebrows, they can even be missing paint on hairs). Minus - a few shades go in reddishnesses (but versions for blondes).

I, being available to all of the above products, often make out automatic eyebrow pencil. With the product easier to work with, it's more stable, looks more natural skin than any other of the above means. In general, it has more advantages, so it is recommend it.


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